Monday 18 February 2013

Romain Jerome Eyjafjallajökull DNA

Nice try…
But is this really the “DNA” that legends are made of?
While others are fine to simply reprint the Romain Jerome press release on this one, I am not.  This watch borders on the absurd. Why?  It is way too opportunistic if you ask me.   The press release –heck the whole concept — seems all too hastily put together for my liking.  Will the finished product even look nearly as spectacular as the press image (below)?  I am skeptical.  But really that’s beside the point here.
Maybe I am reading too far into this, but is this volcano really such a legendary event in human history to associate your brand with?  Show me something positive about what this Eyjafjallajökull volcano has done for the world.  In fact it is just the opposite — it has caused great chaos, hardship, economic loss and disruption.  It is not a source of pride, at least from my perspective.  Actually the Titanic (another RJ concept watch) is not much different in this regard, except it happened almost a 100 years ago, i.e. the pain, suffering and economic loss is well past, and it did in fact become a defining moment in history.  As for this event — well who knows how history will record it 10, 15, 20, 100 years from now.  Whether Eyjafjallajökull is largely forgotten or not — I think the one (and hopefully only) watch inspired by it will quite quickly lose its meaning and worth.

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